MOTS & MERVEILLES - Jean-Luc Parant
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16 x 21 cm / 80 pages / September 2013
Texte: Michel Butor, Jean-Luc Parant et Freddy Denaës
isbn : 978-2-35137-142-8
Jean-Luc Parant is the author of hundreds of texts about eyes and hundreds of thousands of balls, whether made of wax, clay or paper. Writing about eyes could have been summed up in a single book about eyes, just as making balls could have been summed up in a single ball, if the texts and balls that followed the first text and the first ball had been a repetition of the first. But Jean-Luc Parant never wrote the same text twice, nor made the same ball twice. This book covers the five exhibitions of Jean-Luc Parant's work presented at the Galerie Lara Vincy between 2004 and 2012.