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Gil Rigoulet

READING 1978 – Gil Rigoulet



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    16 x 21.3 cm / 32 pages / November 2017

    isbn: 978-2-35137-240-1


    Concert in Reading, near London, summer 1978, bikers in jeans covered in motor oil are fighting, game! A shirtless guy with a hallucinated look threatens me with his fist, I take the photos, he stands there in an animal posture, a shower of beer falls on us... I meet a French couple at a Statu Quo concert, twenty thousand people jump into a giant pogo, my girlfriend passes out, we try to evacuate her in the middle of this stormy crowd. Camping. A thirsty night. In the morning, guys with long hair are running around naked, bikers under the sun are spinning a shoe full of beer, the music starts again... Ultravox, Status Quo, Groupo Sportivo, Spirit, The Motors, Patti Smith... take to the stage.

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