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SUR LA VOIE — Pierre Creton

SUR LA VOIE — Pierre Creton

  • about this dvd-book...

    14 x 19 cm / 96 pages + DVD / March 2021

    isbn : 978-2-35137-302-6


    “I tell Pierre about the ups and downs of my journey, the delays or checks, the noisy neighbors in the carriage. Pierre listens to me, watching the road.Once, he cuts me off abruptly: “Oh Mathilde, look!” And I see a young wild boar hurtling down the road in front of us. Pierre slows down to let it pass. We are dazzled." Mathilde Girard


    • BOOK

    - "Driving, walking, telling” text by Mathilde Girard (in French only)

    - Pierre Creton's works: videograms, collages, photographs, documents, drawings, monotypes, posters, engravings, paper sewing, cut-out photocopies...

    - Filmography of Pierre Creton

    • DVD

    6 films by Pierre Creton :

    Sept pièces du puzzle néolibéral (1997, 21 min)

    Mercier et Camier (co-réal. Sophie Roger, 1998, 8 min)

    Le voyage à Vézelay (2005, 30 min)

    Les vrilles de la vigne (2007, 10 min)

    Le grand cortège (2011, 59 min)

    Sur la voie critique (2013-2017, 150 min)

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