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Paul Vecchiali

PAUL VECCHIALI - La Maison cinéma

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    20 x 20 cm / 248 pages / November 2011

    isbn : 978-2-35137-130-5

    Text in French only by Mathieu Orléan


    From the entrance hall to the swimming pool, via the kitchen and the staircase, Matthieu Orléan takes us on a guided tour of Paul Vecchiali's living quarters to retrace the career of the director, producer, writer... All of these locations echo the films, encounters and collaborations of his life, providing the starting point for analyses and reviews of L'Etrangleur, La Machine, Corps à cœur, En haut des marches, Rosa la Rose, Le Café des Jules, A vot' bon cœur... All these films are like taut threads, between flight and fall, purity and chaos, like reflections of the world's right side and wrong side.

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